Bernhard Hegglin
24. Mai – 22. Juni 2024
Eröffnung 23. Mai 2024, 18–20 Uhr

Six years ago, Bernhard Hegglin started making filmic documentations of his shows, projects, installations, and sculptures. His initial motivation lay in confronting the challenge of documentation in a more “natural” way, capturing the things he spent time working on within their spatial and temporal settings.
He was interested in showing the surrounding environment, including the city, the weather, the seasons, the clothing people were wearing, the cars, etc. Out of this interest, he decided on a few rules and techniques that maintain the “authentic” character of the documen-tation. All the videos are filmed with a recent version of an iPhone, in landscape format, stabilized by a handheld gimbal. The journey to and from the locations is undergone by bicycle, and the videos are uncut, with the audio recorded by the built-in microphone.
What you see here is the result of this activity: uncut tracking shots through cities, wandering gazes into exhibitions. It’s a presentation of a selection of raw material, taking a break from producing new material, and instead, spending time looking at what has been recorded so far.